Burke is one of the premier international research and consulting firms in the world. For nearly 80 years, Burke has helped manufacturing and service companies understand and accurately predict marketplace behavior. Burke's employee owners add value to research and consulting assignments by applying superior thinking to help clients solve business problems.
For more information, please visit our website at: http://www.burke.com/about/
Founded in 1931, Burke is an international leader in decision support services. We are committed to quality, honesty, and integrity in all endeavors.
As one of the founding members of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO), Burke demonstrates its commitment to clients and to the public by adhering to a mandatory Code of Standards and Ethics for Survey Research. This adherence includes respecting the voluntary nature of research participation and taking steps to protect respondents' identities. Burke also monitors the privacy policies of other industry organizations and works to conform to common standards of ethical practice. Burke seeks to avoid any actions that might bring Internet research into disrepute or reduce confidence in its findings.
For Burke’s complete privacy policy statement and additional information, please visit: http://www.burke.com/about/index.cfm?pri=1
Your email was obtained through a relationship you have with the sponsor of the study. We appreciate your participation. If you would like to discuss further or have any concerns about how you received this email, please feel free to contact Burke by clicking on the "Contact Us" link on your invitation.
All of our surveys are voluntary and we respect respondents' rights not to participate. If you would like to be removed from the mailing list for any future communications of this research study, simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email invitation.
If you would like to update your email address, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation and request an update.
Any information you provide is for research purposes only, with results viewed only in aggregate. We will never associate personally identifiable information with your survey responses unless you give us explicit permission to do so.
Burke may ask questions about your demographics, employment, income, etc. We use this information to classify your survey results with similar respondents for analysis purposes and to ensure that our sample of respondents is representative of an entire population.
Additional information regarding the collection of personal information can be found on Burke’s privacy policy statement: http://www.burke.com/about/index.cfm?pri=1
Burke does not own or maintain a research panel. We acquire our email lists directly from our clients for the specific purpose of recruiting individuals into our research study. We cannot add anyone to any of our survey projects nor are we able to pass along any such interest or information to our clients or vendors.
Not all research surveys will have an incentive. The email invitation will mention if there is an incentive, honorarium, or sweepstakes entry available for that particular survey. The invitation will also specify if you are required to qualify and complete the survey in order to be eligible for the incentive.
All of our surveys that promise payment will ask you some initial screening questions to determine if you qualify for a survey. If you do not qualify for a particular survey, it simply means the survey's requirements do not match the answers you have given. Occasionally, you can fail to qualify for a survey if the survey's quota is full (meaning that the survey has received enough completes from a specific category of respondents). In either event, if the survey is not available for you to complete, the survey will indicate this to you on the screen.
Completion of the survey means that once you have qualified for the survey, you must answer all of the remaining questions in the survey until you reach the end. If you have any questions, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation to request additional information.
In general, incentive payments are processed 2-4 weeks from the close of a survey. Some surveys can run from a few days to over a month.
If it has been several weeks since you completed a survey and you have not received your payment, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation to request payment information.
Some email programs (Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, etc.) may not always display the survey links as a clickable button or hyperlink. This is most often caused when your email is set to display as text only.
An alternate way of accessing the survey is to follow the instructions at the bottom of the email invitation. You will be able to "copy and paste" the survey URL into your web browser. If you have any issues accessing the survey, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation.
If you do not qualify for a particular survey, it simply means the survey's requirements do not match the answers you have given or that we have already obtained enough responses from similar participants. If you have any questions, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation.
It can vary depending upon the individual survey. Please reference the survey invitation or the survey introduction for the estimated completion time.
Generally this is an indication of a high amount of internet traffic, a high amount of users accessing the survey at once, or the speed of your internet connection. Try connecting again at a different time of day or using a computer that has a faster connection. If you have any questions, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation.
This is generally a result of the survey link being mistyped or misspelled in the address line. If you copied and pasted the survey link into your browser, please check your entry for accuracy or retry typing the survey link. If you see the message again, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation to notify us for resolution.
If you clicked on the survey button, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation to notify us for resolution.
Most of our surveys allow you to resume where you left off. To exit a survey, simply close your browser window to end your current session. There is a timeout period of 10 minutes that you must wait to re-access the survey successfully.
To resume a partially completed survey, follow the access instructions you received in the original email invitation. The survey program has saved your answers and start where you stopped previously. Please note that surveys are only available for a limited time.
Some surveys are be designed to allow you to go back to change an answer. If this is the case, you will see a "Previous Question" button in the survey. If the survey does not have a "Previous Question" button, changing previous answers is not permitted.
Please do not use the Back or Forward buttons on your browser.
Once a survey has been completed, you cannot re-access the survey to change your answers. If you have any issues, please reply to the email invitation or click the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of your email invitation.